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The issue

****oha Mann
956 Beiträge
The issue
I don't get it,
my brain gets it even less.
You would think
an emotion is pretty clear,
it's message straight
you know what to do,
you know to endure,
know to work it out
in detail,
no doubt
about your way
Through time,
and through change ,
you've learned
to adapt,
to attract
a different vibe
to challenge your sight
and to see reason,
where only pain
should be visible
but in the end
even you
have to see,
that even the visible
can hide
a lie
so dangerous
that it might break
Behind the temporary pain
and the hurtful wound
of truth,
lies an even deeper grief
and you understand,
that even in the despised emotion
of anger
lies a truth,
(loose as it may be)
that you need to use,
if you don't wanna fight
the current and the flow
of all
at the same time.
Anger might not solve everything,
but it sure as hell
holds answers
that will erradicate
Who cares,
as long as it breaks down
and you can build it up...
again -

I scream ....
*******581 Frau
1.032 Beiträge
In the end if you are able to use the anger as a source of power to build something new/better you‘ve found a very good way to handle it. Anger doesn‘t have to be destructive. anger is one of the most strongest emotions we have.
And by the way: my emotions aren‘t always clear. It‘s always a mix. More or less. To find out the ones I am feeling right now and how big their part is of the whole pie is the biggest challenge for me. And then of course, processing them.
****oha Mann
956 Beiträge
way more surprising,
to actually find the lesson
not in anger itself,
but in the realization
that anger itself
is the positive emotion,
driving this thing
and bringing me along for the ride,
when one of the first lessons
I ever got taught
( out of contradiction
I thought )
that anger itself
will bring no positive force
to this world.

Out of character:
Keine Sorge, ich verstehe das ganze schon länger als grauer und gesamtheitlicher als hier dargestellt.Teilweise hilft die Darstellung im Artistischen noch einmal spezifische Momente durchzuspielen und in anderen Worten verpackt einen Tanz darzustellen, der sich entwickelt. Ich mag die Schattierungen und Unterschiede, die jedesmal wieder aufs Neue sich rauszeigen. Diese Emotionen packe ich einfach durch Reime anders ein und habe Spaß an dem Spiel. Und eventuell hackt es sich bei jemandem gedanklich ein und bewegt erneut etwas.
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