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**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

Morgen ist es schon 1 Jahr her, das du von uns gegangen bist… du hast den Kampf verloren… deine Organe haben versagt…du fehlst mir unendlich großer Bruder…

**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

******xen Frau
43 Beiträge

Das Lied spielt als wir meinen Bruder dem Meer übergaben. Heute ist sein Geburtstag und der erste ohne ihn. Es tut uns allen so weh.
**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

PARABOL:So familiar and overwhelmingly warm
This one, this form I hold now
Embracing you, this reality here
This one, this form I hold now
So wide eyed and hopeful
Wide eyed and hopefully wild
We barely remember what came before this precious moment
Choosing to be here right now
Hold on, stay inside
This body holding me, reminding me that I am not alone in
This body makes me feel eternal
All this pain is an illusion

We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment
We are choosing to be here, right now
Hold on, stay inside
This holy reality
This holy experience
Choosing to be here in
This body, this body holding me
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me
Feeling eternal, all this pain is an illusion
Alive, I
In this holy reality
In this holy experience
Choosing to be here in
This body, this body holding me
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me
Feeling eternal, all this pain is an illusion
Twirling round with this familiar parable
Spinning, weaving round each new experience
Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing
The chance to be alive and breathing
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion

********tiny Frau
36 Beiträge
Hilft mir gerade sehr dabei, eine schwierige Trennung zu verarbeiten

Wear It Like A Crown
Nachdem meine Frau ins Hospiz verlegt wurde und mir wegen ihres Hirntumors fast nur noch eine Hülle blieb, entdeckte ich ein Lied von Rebekka Karijord: Wear It Like A Crown.
Dieser Liedtitel hat ganz viel mit mir gemacht und mich inspiriert; mir einen neuen Blickwinkel geschenkt. Den eigenen Partner mit 41 ins Hospiz zu geben, ist kaum auszuhalten - nicht schön zu reden. Was mir durchaus half war das bewusste Erstreben des Begriffes "Frieden" in allen Momenten. Nicht mehr vom Kampf gegen den Krebs zu sprechen. Sondern nur noch den Frieden zu suchen und anzunehmen. Niemand - selbst ihre engsten Verwandten - ertrugen ihre Situation, den Anblick - doch ich war da. Tag für Tag - Stunde für Stunde. Und so oft rang ich innerlich mit Tränen und meiner Hilflosigkeit. Beraubt jeglicher Zuversicht.
Und dann kam dieses Lied. Es - die Situation und ja eigentlich doch auch alles - wie eine Krone zu tragen. Mir erschien dieser Gedanke so wunderbar. Dankbar zu sein für alles Erlebte und Erfahrene; demütig zu sein; ehrerfüllt, erwählt worden zu sein trotz aller eigener Unperfektion. Dankbar zu sein, da sein zu dürfen und auf diesem Weg unverrückbar an der Seite gewesen zu sein. Und wenn ich sie an ihren letzten Tagen auf ihrem Rollstuhl durch die nur noch sehr kleine Welt fuhr - ich war so stolz, ihr Mann sein zu dürfen. Ich vermisse sie so sehr und dieses Lied hilft mir auch heut noch. Ich trag die Krone so gern, die sie mir aufsetzte.

und hier der Text zum Lied -

I don't know where this fear came from
How I became so afraid of losing everyone
Never been afraid of being lonely
Now I'm becoming the one I'm most scared of being
I don't know where this fear comes from
This fear of failing fear of letting everyone and myself down
It's growing deep into my soul
Making me all paralyzed and cold
It's two steps forward, three steps back again
I'll turn my face against it I won't run
'Cause courage and belief are my redeems
No one else can rescue me it seems
'Cause if I don't follow my heart this time
I'm gonna forget what this life is all about
I'm gonna take that path I'm going in on my own
I'm gonna take that fear and wear it like a crown

I don't know where this fear comes from
How I became so afraid of losing everyone
Never been afraid of being lonely
I'm becoming the one I'm most scared of being
It's two steps forward, three steps back again
I'll turn my face against it, I won't run
'Cause courage and belief are my redeems
No one else can rescue me it seems
**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

Captivate me
Become my escape
I can’t look away
You were my everything

If the past is just dust
Then the future could be our dream
If all we have is now; this eternity
Ignite my satisfaction
Engulf me

We’re dancing like flames flickering in the night
We sway in time with the wind before melting away
You’re far from my reach but not far out of sight
You know the way to my heart but you just play
the strings again

Flicker like shadows dancing beyond the flame
Captivate, hypnotized
By the fire in her eyes
You took me by surprise
And then you disappeared in the blink of an eye

Pull me into the pyre
Engulf me in flames
Captivate me
Pull me toward my ecstasy

Flicker like shadows dancing beyond the flames
Enchanting, mesmerized
Take what is left of my life
A wrinkle in time
Where do you go

A wrinkle in time
Take what is left of my life
Before you go show me what it‘s like
to finally know
The face behind the silhouette in this world I made
to be infinite
But within the expanse - I finally see
A world without you isn’t meant for me

Where do you go when I close my eyes
What do you see looking back at me
Am I just a ghost just like you caught between the
seams of two intertwining melodies
**********s_Fun Frau
54 Beiträge
Fundstück 😔

**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge
LORNA SHORE - Pain Remains II: After All I've Done, I'll Disappear

I’ll disappear
It’s like the world I knew keeps passing unlike
the void I’ve become

Picking up pieces left from another life
This fleeting memory is everything you left behind
I’m just a whisper, just a spector
locked away in time
This purgatory is eating away at my mind
Left to wander
Left to dissipate
After you I will never be the same
Left to confide; insecurity
When you disappeared
You took a part of me
I see you over and over far beyond me
I’m drifting away

Even inside a dream, this world has no meaning

And after all that I’ve done
After all of my pain
After all that I’ve become
Will I disappear
Like a ghost in the breeze
Like fading memories
Like the world you left was only just a dream
So I’ll disappear

It‘s like the world I knew keeps passing
unlike the void I’ve become
Letting go of perfection, another lie
This wretched melody is everything you left to die
I’m just a vacuum, just a fragment-
An echo in time
This purgatory is eating away everything
Left to suffer
Left without your place
Without you I will never be the same
Let me see you one more time
When you disappeared, you took a part of me

All after all that I’ve done
After all of my pain
This fucking world disintegrates
**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

Cursed by this apparition
Destined to take its place
A ceaseless existence born of my dream state
Manifested and pressed into sand
You’ve long been cemented
Distracted, impacted by the weight of the world
If this is everything then
I don‘t want to cut the swathe
Let the flames rise and bury me within this fog,
An echo, a murmur -
A broken melody
I let go of my life but you were just a dream

I’ll throw myself into the fire and burn away
Ridding this flesh of burden and pray I suffocate

I’ll salt the earth in this crimson blaze
This world will burn in my fall from grace
Witness the death of God
Hear the devil‘s choir as I leave the stage
in a sea of fire

If this is all I am then what’s the point
of pacing life
Everything that I made became a waste of time
Expressive, depressive
I‘m caught up in a lie
Decisive, enticive
I’d rather fucking die

I’ll damn this world to a sea of flames
Forsake the ground and let it bury me
You were nothing but a shackle
Now I can breathe
Let this fire rain down and bury me in a sea of flame
Forsake the ground the let it bury me
Let this fire rain down and damn this world

Fuck this existence
Bring me back to where it all began in the fall
Wake me up before i lose it all

This is my epilog - my soliloquy
Take this broken melody straight to the grave

Dancing like flames
After all that I’ve done
I’ll salt the earth and disappear in a sea of fire
**********s_Fun Frau
54 Beiträge

**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

********n_IB Frau
977 Beiträge
Wenn ich das Gefühl habe, zu erfrieren, obwohl alle um mich herum schwitzen, wenn ich das Gefühl habe , zu ersticken, trotzdem alle um mich herum frei atmen können, dann nimmt mich der Klang der Cellos in den Arm und lässt mich ruhiger werden, läuft mir all mein Schmerz leise über die Wangen....
9 Monate ohne meinen Liebsten... und das ist erst der Anfang....

**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

**********osity Mann
12.812 Beiträge

*******ke73 Frau
5 Beiträge
Kerstin Ott hatte mich mit ihren Songs die harten 11 Wochen begleitet.
Das Lied hatte ich aber erst registriert als ich meinen Schatz das letzte mal sah *heul2*

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