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Weather forecast in your area, severe weather

********ge63 Mann
16 Beiträge
Weather forecast in your area, severe weather
In the Med, we have all tried the agony of sudden crazy burst of winds coming out of the blue. Being taken with your pants down (not in pleasurable way ).

This thread is meant to share predictions/experience of these severe weather phenomenens.

To avoid the Corsica episode of mid aug 22 (see pic ) My experience is to check CAPE in the surroundings, at least 2 x daily. Up to 50 km away is relevant, as building thunder/nimbus clouds not always behave as predicted. CAPE is a measure of vertical activity, and gives a hint as to the likelyhood of severe weather. It is extremely rare that nimbus/thunder builds to danger without CAPE being high.

If your CAPE is above 1000 J/kg, start keeping an eye out for building clouds. If more than 2000, prepare for potential hits. If more than 3000, seek a safe harbour instead of an open bay. If less than 500, prepare to be taken pants down the pleasurable way.

If possible, check observations as well, to calibrate forecast with actual winds. And top up with live radar pictures (or use your own).

I prefer Predict Wind, but have found Windy to be better locally in Greece.

stay safe, and have fun
*********view Paar
158 Beiträge
Hi guys,
thanks for this contribution. We sail mostly in the Adriatic and have good experience with Windy. We like the comparison of the different models. In future we will have a closer look to the CAPE value *zwinker* .
********5560 Paar
106 Beiträge
Thx for this very interesting topic!

Hier ein Link für die deutschsprachigen Segler:

auch in WINDY kann man den CAPE-Index abrufen

fair winds
********unde Paar
82 Beiträge
Impressive picture. Impressive and scary. *umfall*
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