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Musik aus Mittelerde

**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge
Bard singt.... :-=)

******wen Frau
15.542 Beiträge
"Tears are filling up these lakes because Baggins takeses. Oh, how we hateses him!"
**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge
Dead.... *ggg* *rotfl* *haumichwech*

******wen Frau
15.542 Beiträge
In dem Jahr, als ich aus der Uni ausschied, wurde dieser Chor gegründet. Ein Blick zurück an meine Alma mater:

**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge

**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge

**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge

**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge
*anbet* *umfall*

******wen Frau
15.542 Beiträge

**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge
In eigener Sache: Ich habe jetzt meine erste eigene Gruppe an den Start gebracht, und ich lade hiermit jede(n) ein, dem meine musikalischen Beiträge hier gefallen, insbesondere die nordisch angehauchten. *g*

Freue mich über jeden Neuzugang. *g*

Nordische Musik
**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge
Ein Gedicht / Lied aus dem Herrn der Ringe, dort gesungen von Bilbo Beutlin.

I sit beside the fire and think
of all that I have seen
of meadow-flowers and butterflies
in summers that have been;

Of yellow leaves and gossamer
in autumns that there were,
with morning mist and silver sun
and wind upon my hair.

I sit beside the fire and think
of how the world will be
when winter comes without a spring
that I shall ever see.

For still there are so many things
that I have never seen:
in every wood in every spring
there is a different green.

I sit beside the fire and think
of people long ago
and people who will see a world
that I shall never know.

But all the while I sit and think
of times there were before,
I listen for returning feet
and voices at the door.
*********uist Mann
94 Beiträge
Sehr schöne Interpretation, vielen Dank für's Teilen.
Ich finde, Tolkiens Lieder haben die Filme wirklich gut aufgegriffen, bestes Beispiel ist 'The road goes ever on'
**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge
Danke. 😊

Wobei gerade Clamavi de Profundis auch Lieder vertonen, die in den Filmen nicht vorkommen, sondern nur in den Büchern.
*********uist Mann
94 Beiträge
Das ist interessant. Werde ich mir mal anschauen, danke für den Tip.

Es ist immer interessant wie Künstler die Werke Tolkiens interpretieren, da Mr Tolkien sich ja immer alles bis ins kleinste Detail schon selbst ausgedacht hat...
******wen Frau
15.542 Beiträge
Mittelerdige Musik von meinem Lieblingsrussen *herz*

**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge
Was Neues von Clamavi De Profundis, diesmal aber ohne Bezug zu Mittelerde. Ich packe es trotzdem mal hier rein, honoris causa und so. *g*

"Strong" is an original song we wrote based on the Vikings. It is taken from a larger original story entitled, "Chieftain." We hope you enjoy it:)

Description of the Song:

Scene 1: The Vikings sail from Iceland to Scotland to raid where ever they may land. Leading them is the chieftain’s son Bjorn Erikson who sings the first solo. He is tall, blond, strong, but has an innate sense of compassion that makes it difficult for him to lead this mission. His inborn sense of leadership has made him wonder at the path that he would take were he ever to become the chieftain. The next solo is sung by Erling Haroldson, a menacing, strong Viking who adheres to the old Viking ways as a pure disciple of the gods. He is dark and cold hearted. The Vikings are fit for battle.

Scene 2: The Women lament the departure of their men. They stand on a windy, rocky cliff above the shore, watching in a mixture of pride and sorrow as their loved ones sail away.

Scene 3: The Vikings row to the shore. They see a monastery on land.

Scene 4: The monks chant prayers in the Monastery.

Scene 5: The Vikings march to the monastery. They are ready for battle.

Scene 6: As the Vikings besiege the monastery, One monk, Father Edvard, kneels in prayer, unafraid that death might take him. He pleads for God’s mercy upon his attackers, revealing a twist on what it means to be “strong.” Fr. Edvard’s story is that of a chieftain’s son who was once left for dead in a raid on a monastery years ago. He was taken in by the monks he was trying to raid. And so now he prays for the Vikings who seek to attack him. He is meant to mirror Bjorn, as they are both chieftain’s sons.

Scene 7: The Vikings attack and plunder, and Bjorn is seen facing off with Fr. Edvard, but an angel appears between the two, stopping him in his tracks. Bjorn experiences a profound change, though his journey has only begun. The other Vikings finish their raid and bring their ill-gotten gains to the boat.

Scene 8: The Vikings sail homeward back to Iceland.

We wrote the lyrics, composed, and arranged the piece. My family sang it.

**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge

******wen Frau
15.542 Beiträge
Na, woran erinnert euch diese Melodie?

**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge

******wen Frau
15.542 Beiträge
Aber ja doch. Ob sich da nicht jemand kreative Anleihen bei der Melodie geholt hat?
**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge
Die Vermutung ist jedenfalls sehr naheliegend.
**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge
Sorry Ed Sheeran, Feuerschwanz haben dir gerade dein Lied gestohlen. *g*

*********uist Mann
94 Beiträge
Hmmm genau mein Geschmack 🥰
******wen Frau
15.542 Beiträge
Schon viiiel besser. Die Sheeran-Version konnte ich nie leiden.
**********osity Mann
12.841 Beiträge

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