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poems of joy
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Nach der Trennung > Gibt es einen "Point of no return" ...449
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***ed Mann
63 Beiträge

They kiss
Falling finally into each others arms
Breaking free from their fears, the deep cut and let go
The marble quality from her blue eyes is hidden beneath glittering tears
Her blonde hair sticks on her wet cheeks as it hugs her beautiful face in the cool sea breeze
the most beautiful creature nature ever has brought upon this world, hurt lost and still full of hope
But there she stands as the cold white paint of the steel hull moves aside like a curtain in a theatre
Why is she not on deck? Could it be that she love him after all? Could she not stand the pain of seeing him a last time. Was it too much seeing the love of her life shrinking into nothing as the pier fades into distance?
Would he still stand there? Waiting for her? What would it prove if he did? That he loved her? Would he have let her go then? Or is he already gone? Frustrated and hurt, because she wanted to leave him, running away from giving in to him
But there he stands as the cold white paint of the steel hull moves aside like a curtain in a theatre
The most beautiful creature nature ever has brought upon this world, hurt lost and still full of hope
His blonde hair fluttering, while the cool sea breeze dries the wetness on his strong unshaved chin
The marble quality from his grey eyes is hidden beneath glittering tears
And they break free from their fears, the deep cut and let go
Falling finally into each others arms
And they kiss
****ia Frau
22.263 Beiträge
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