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Tomorrowland 2021

****r80 Mann
1.235 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
Tomorrowland 2021
Wir bleiben in Belgien: Aktuell macht es den Eindruck, als würde es 2021 wieder Tomorrowland geben. Aufgeteilt auf zwei Wochenenden:
• 27.-29.08.2021
• 03.-05.09.2021

Hier mal der Text von der Homepage dazu:
People of Tomorrow,

We are delighted and grateful to hear that the Belgian Government has given a realistic perspective for large festivals in Belgium towards the end of the summer. We want to study the guidelines and parameters from the National Government in the next days, so that we can properly communicate the different scenarios and implications.

With a combination of vaccination and rapid testing at the door, we believe we can make Tomorrowland a safe place, which so many people have been looking forward to for so long. We will take every measure and guideline very seriously and apply all the right protocols.

In the upcoming days, we give further updates about the next steps.

*****Mot Mann
2 Beiträge
Hallo zusammen,

die zwei Bürgermeister von den beiden Ortschaften haben doch den Veranstaltern eine Absage erteilt, sodass es doch nicht statt finden wird. Oder nicht?
****r80 Mann
1.235 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
Zitat von *****Mot:
Hallo zusammen,

die zwei Bürgermeister von den beiden Ortschaften haben doch den Veranstaltern eine Absage erteilt, sodass es doch nicht statt finden wird. Oder nicht?

Ja, das ist korrekt. Hier die Absage von der Homepage:


It is with heavy heart our organization must announce that the 16th edition of Tomorrowland Belgium cannot take place in 2021. The entire team fought till the end and did everything in their powers to write a new chapter in the history of Tomorrowland.

Our dream was to welcome the People of Tomorrow, who we’ve been missing for too long, to celebrate life to the fullest. But unfortunately, the local governments has not given the permit to organize Tomorrowland.

We keep looking positively towards the future and strongly believe that music will unite us again soon.

You will be contacted personally as soon as possible with all the options for your Tomorrowland 2021 ticket.

Live Today, Love Tomorrow, Unite Forever.

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