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BDSM DIY (Do-It-Yourself)
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What brought you to BDSM?

What brought you to BDSM?
Dear kinksters,
What brought you to BDSM? Can you pinpoint the event or the experience in your life that lead you cross the BDSM/Vanilla line permanently?
Yes, I can.

I wrote a Homepage 'bout it.
*****Con Frau
653 Beiträge
i was about 12 when i was playing with other kids and was "kidnapped" by boys. all in the game. completely without brutal or criminal energies.
to make it authentic, they tied me to a chair in an old barn. the girls had to free me.
somehow i liked that.

When i was 16, i met my husband and relatively soon "confronted" him with the fact that i wanted to be tied up.
we bought ropes together at the hardware store... he bought a book about bondage and that's how it started. i was lucky that my husband developed a great interest in it himself. soon he gave me a riding crop and a hitachi magic wand. and that's how it went on and on.
when i was 19, we went to our first BDSM event. that was almost 20 years ago. 20 years ago, young people like us didn't go to such events.

and yes... now i'm 38. my inclination used to be "optional". now there's not much of a vanilla part in me. probably none at all.
**********hrill Paar
1.059 Beiträge
Was born that way, there were no lines or borders to be crossed... *nixweiss*
Zitat von **********hrill:
Was born that way, there were no lines or borders to be crossed... *nixweiss*

(Same here...)
****ody Mann
12.356 Beiträge
I was very triggered as a child around 1970 by a film poster stuck to every advertising pillar showing a half-naked Indian woman tied up. The film was called "Soldier Blue" (Das Wiegenlied vom Totschlag). It excited me very strangely. That form of arousal never went away.
********opes Frau
58 Beiträge
In my view, this is a very innate form of sexuality. I felt it first as at elementary school age, and it manifested completely after puberty. It’s not a choice imho.
Zitat von ********opes:
In my view, this is a very innate form of sexuality. I felt it first as at elementary school age, and it manifested completely after puberty. It’s not a choice imho.

I fully agree that this is not a choice.
****erz Mann
596 Beiträge
I was somewhere in the old 20ties.
A women told me during having sex: hit me.
I was a virgin. I didnt dare to claim that. I did not like to hit her butt. It was not what a gent does to a lady.
So: crazy was going on: I hit her in the face.
Since then I enjoy a bakrey pipe as well as lying on my knees
****erz Mann
596 Beiträge
Ah, es gab noch einen anderen Trigger, den ich wahrgenommen aber nicht umgesetzt habe.
Ein Buch.
Mut zur Demut von Sina Alina Geisler.
Das hat mich gekickt, aber in der damaligen Beziehung ging das nicht.
*******ntis Mann
68 Beiträge
Can you still remember the original cover of the Guns N' Roses album "Appetite for Destruction"? Today, it's no longer the cover but only the inside of the CD booklet. The cover triggered me back when I was a teenager in school. That's how one thing led to another...
*******enig Mann
8.895 Beiträge
I couldn't define a specific trigger. Earliest memories reach back to abusing my class colleages at an age of approximately 8 or 9. Long before my own sexuality developed. Ever since I always played in an active role even from my first girlfriend onwards. All trials on the passive side lead to no avail.
Es war der Film Clockwork Orange und die Frau die mir beim 2. Date sagte, mach mit mir was Du willst.
*******dor Mann
5.944 Beiträge
Thumbs up, guy. Post in english on a platform with estimated 3 trillions of native speaking messages. Getting english answers.
You won the war. *mrgreen*
*******dor Mann
5.944 Beiträge
"Nimm mich mal härter"
Nach dem 7. Ehejahr.
***th Mann
175 Beiträge
in het gewone leven ben ik totaal niet onderdanig & nederig ,wel vriendelijk *smile* maar ik draai die knop om wanneer ik naakt die bandjes aan doe ,dan word ik geil om zo behandeld te worden ,& ja ik denk dat dat gewoon in jezelf zit & er mee geboren word *g*
Today I know that my first experiences were when I was about 4 or 5. In that time movies about Rome/Egypt were very popular and without any obvious sexual context there was one to me. Needless to say that I was too small to understand what that mean. It needed decades to be honest enough to myself to accept who I am. In several ways.
********rtig Paar
27.992 Beiträge
ich habe einige Beiträge die nicht zum Thema passten *putz*
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