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Tormenting Kinbaku Live mit Tamandua Muc 30 October

Tormenting Kinbaku Live mit Tamandua Muc 30 October

"The Studio" proudly presents
A performance of Erotic and Tormenting Kinbaku by Tamandua
followed by an open floor for guests to tie and experiment until 2230

Strictly limited numbers

About Tamandua
'I have a passionately sadistic streak and a deep love for the aesthetic realm of kinbaku.
Often tying in a way which can be challenging both for the one tying and the one in the ropes, my shibari usually demands a lot of technical clarity when in the role of a teacher. Despite this I believe that it is still important to also manage to leave room for personal adjustment and creativity.
I view kinbaku as a thing of continuous exploration – where new doors open as your go deeper and further with a partner, over the course of a session or over the course of a long partnership. Sometimes though, the magic that defines kinbaku can be just that one alluring image that sticks with you, a moment suspended in time.
For me, the core of kinbaku lies in the meeting between the aesthetic expression and the emotional or erotic intention of the practice. And the more ones tying develop, the more seamlessly the parts can intermingle.'

Doors Open 1900
Performance starts 2000

Includes welcome Prosecco, other refreshments available for purchase.
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