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Tormenting Kinbaku WE mit Tamandua Munich 31 Oct-1 Nov

Tormenting Kinbaku WE mit Tamandua Munich 31 Oct-1 Nov
"The Studio" presents
2 Day Workshop: Includes Lunches on both days and a Samhain (Halloween) Rope and playnight on the Saturday evening*

Workshop will be presented in English with German language support.
Kinbaku workshop weekend with Tamandua
Tormenting kinbaku can be a wonderfully intimate and intense erotic experience with someone you trust.
How can we have intense sessions which feel both meaningful and safe - emotionally speaking as well as physically?
This weekend is suitable both for shibari practitioners with prior experience of playing with suffering and torment in ropes who want to expand their vision and skills as well as practitioners new and curious about to this concept. You will need a certain experience level in tying overall though so please see the requirements below!
On the first day we get familiar with harnesses which will be used also during day two. An overview on how to make your TK well suspendable as well as a suspendable tengu tie which can sometimes act as an alternative to the TK.
This is an opportunity to receive guidance and tips as both rigger and model on these type of ties and widen your understanding of them further. Nonetheless it should not be your first time learning a TK as the tempo will not be suited for beginners!
We will finish of the day with some technically easy ties which play with pain on the floor using thin bamboos.
On day two it is time to incorporate the power of gravity as a medium as we include suspension lines to a greater extent. Learn to use suspension points as a richer tool to manipulate and push your partner in other ways than only making them fly.
For this day you need prior knowledge in making and locking suspension lines, taught irl from an instructor.
TK for suspension & tengu for suspension: technical guidance and exploration on the floor
(Recommended preparation for Sunday)
Minimalist bamboo torture ties (Tying small bamboo to the body)
Saturday Samhain Halloween Event
*if you will come to the Samhain Event, please check the option below to guarantee your space. Unused spaces will be offered to the public.
2 Tormenting semi-suspensions which both work using either the TK or tengu harness from day 1
A full suspension tie on bamboo
Guided free practice time to finish the day
About Tamandua
'I have a passionately sadistic streak and a deep love for the aesthetic realm of kinbaku.
Often tying in a way which can be challenging both for the one tying and the one in the ropes, my shibari usually demands a lot of technical clarity when in the role of a teacher. Despite this I believe that it is still important to also manage to leave room for personal adjustment and creativity.
I view kinbaku as a thing of continuous exploration – where new doors open as your go deeper and further with a partner, over the course of a session or over the course of a long partnership. Sometimes though, the magic that defines kinbaku can be just that one alluring image that sticks with you, a moment suspended in time.
For me, the core of kinbaku lies in the meeting between the aesthetic expression and the emotional or erotic intention of the practice. And the more ones tying develop, the more seamlessly the parts can intermingle.'

Cost 355€/ Couple including two days of workshops, soft drinks and cookies, lunch on both days and a halloween play event on the Saturday night.
Hygiene Konzept (Covid-19):
Die jeweiligen Maßnahmen werden wir angehalten.
Im eingangsbereich (lounge, küche, WC ) sind Masken zu tragen um andere zu schützen bzw, maskenpflicht (leider auch für die mit ärztliche bescheinigung)
Im übungs bereich sind masken empfehlenswert aber optional mit mindest 1,5m abstand
Das tragen einer Maske ist während des üben für Teilnehmer nicht erforderlich.
The following procedures are in place
In entry area, (lounge, kitchen and WC), masks should be worn at all times in order to protect all guests, this unfortunately also applies to those with a medical exemption from wearing a mask.
In the practice area, masks are recommended but optional with 1,5m distance between participants.
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