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Country und Western
73 Mitglieder
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Comedy rund um Männlein, Weiblein, Sex und so'n Zeugs ;o)94
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Kein Country... Folk... und so´n Zeugs? Ich mag das ...

Das bin ich
*******aer Mann
6.507 Beiträge

********mann Mann
116 Beiträge
Ich liebe Gillian Welch und David Rawlings. Die beiden berühren mich ohne Ende

********mann Mann
116 Beiträge

********osen Mann
6.369 Beiträge

*******rin Frau
5.622 Beiträge

*******rin Frau
5.622 Beiträge

********osen Mann
6.369 Beiträge

Das bin ich
*******aer Mann
6.507 Beiträge

*******rin Frau
5.622 Beiträge

**********manov Frau
149 Beiträge

*******rin Frau
5.622 Beiträge
Buffy Sainte-Marie 2022

"Tiny Desk at home? I kinda live on the road!" the legendary Buffy Sainte-Marie exclaims one song into her high-spirited set recorded a few miles outside Toronto at the beginning of the 81-year-old's umpteenth tour. Sainte-Marie has always been a wandering soul with a fierce sense of direction. The four songs she performs here with her touring band span her nearly 60-year career, connecting her righteous protest songs – including "Universal Soldier," as relevant today as it was when it became an anthem during the Vietnam War – to the love songs that have soundtracked countless slow dances. This set is a kind of Sainte-Marie primer, touching on her early days as the 1960s folk revival's brashest innovator and her mid-career turns writing country and pop hits like this set's smooth closer, "Up Where We Belong," which won her an Academy Award for best original song in 1983.

*******ffm Mann
1.174 Beiträge
Grazes, Wrinkles, Drifts into Sleep

*******ffm Mann
1.174 Beiträge
Mad Sun

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