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Are your orgasms stronger during interracial sex?

*********e_gig Mann
180 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
Are your orgasms stronger during interracial sex?
For me, every thrust is like another spasm all on its own 🤤
Its depends on the moment and ur Partner to reach ur orgasm.
*****yne Frau
3.835 Beiträge
Zitat von *********e_gig:
Are your orgasms stronger during interracial sex?
For me, every thrust is like another spasm all on its own 🤤

*********Sadie Frau
867 Beiträge
Zitat von *********e_gig:
Are your orgasms stronger during interracial sex?
For me, every thrust is like another spasm all on its own 🤤

******use Frau
244 Beiträge
Nope not depending on Nationality but on Brain Heart Organ and Love Technics Skills
*****e_U Frau
17 Beiträge
Fortunately not 😁
But for me, the brain bath is stronger 🔥
*****yne Frau
3.835 Beiträge
Darn it, ladies. Y'all destroyed a fantasy... *traurig*
****Cat Frau
292 Beiträge
In general - yes! Of course it is purely mental.
*******enEs Paar
776 Beiträge
It is not a question of the colour!
*******od27 Frau
7 Beiträge
Yeah, they are. Simply because the sex is better in my own opinion.
Zitat von *********e_gig:
Are your orgasms stronger during interracial sex?
For me, every thrust is like another spasm all on its own 🤤

Nein. Die Hautfarbe sagt nichts darüber aus, ob ein Mann zu meinen sexuellen Wünschen passt.

Die Herkunft könnte was drüber Aussagen, ob er charakterlich zu mir passt. Aber dann sind wir beim Thema Beziehung
****eky Mann
334 Beiträge
I think it all depends on my partner.
Whether the same race or another, if they're ass, they're ass.
If they're great, they're great
*****yne Frau
3.835 Beiträge
Last BBC wasn't capable to satisfy me. So no, I haven't had an orgasm at all.
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