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I introduce myself Master Helsinky

*****nky Mann
14 Beiträge
I introduce myself Master Helsinky
Hello submissives, I never thought I’d be even making posts towards you but I felt inspired by a my thougths. Not to mention, I ask you a funny task here asking all submissives to tell me what Servitude meant to them and 10/10 all around.
nothing about you or their wishes, just the desires and needs of their dominant. And if you’re new to the sub game, welcome. I hope this post gives you a bit of insight from the viewpoint of a Master but also be sure to do your research to understand dynamics, BDSM, etc.
I’ve been a master for a time and deeply invested into slaves domination and shikari for about the same time and I’ve dealt with ALL types of subs. New, old, relapsed, broken, fucked up, self-destructive, you name it. And the one thing I always notate is their submission behavior AND servitude instincts. Now this is the part where you turn your head like a lost puppy because you probably thought this were the same thing correct? No.
Though both are linked through dynamics, one is a lifestyle and the other is action choices. Your submission will indicate and show what your servitude looks like. So if you’re shit talking dommes for whatever reason ( don’t do that. ), your servitude will look frail and unwanted to the onlookers aka the very dommes you’re shitting on ( again, no. don’t. ). Submission involves respect and integrity, Servitude is what follows from it. So if you’re behaving well, your servitude will meet that standard. Get it now?
You can always apply to me and me and my wife we can think about taking you as servants
Why are you so determined to keep your wild silently inside you? Let it breathe. Give it a voice. Let it roll out of you on the wide open waves. Set it free. And contact us…
****_hb Paar
910 Beiträge
*****nky Mann
14 Beiträge
Thank you for your
“ waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahnsinn”
But it’s “ waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahnsinn” for the photo or for my text ??
Anyway I think I could help you …😈
2.772 Beiträge
Ist es wirklich relevant ob das jetzt ein symbolbild aus dem netz ist?

Ja, es ist relevant, weil hier Bildrechte verletzt werden.

Unabhängig davon, dass wir das in unserer Community nicht möchten und per Community-Guide sowie in den Nutzungsbedingungen ausgeschlossen haben, kann das für den Einsteller recht teuer werden.

Soviel, von der Moderation, zum Thema.

Beste Grüße
Sir Aurys
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