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Part II - Eure Lieblingsfotos aus erotischen Shootings515
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Eure lieblings Lyrics

*****gue Paar
310 Beiträge
NILE - Annihilation of the Wicked
The Dominion of Seker.
Barren Desert of Eternal Night.
Shunned by Ra.
Behind the Gate Aha-Neteru.
The Wastelands of Seker.
Eldest Lord of Impenetrable Blackness.
Death God of Memphis.
He of the Darkness and Decay of the Tomb.
He of Rosetau.
The Mouth of the Passage to the Underworld.
Closely Guarded by Terrible Serpents.
Who Careth Not for His Own Cult of Worshippers.

Ancient and Dead.
Primeval Master of the World Below.
Remaineth Unwitnessed, Unseen, Hidden in His Secret Chamber.
His Primitive Graven Image like as a Hawk-headed Man.
Shrouded and Swathed in Tomb Wrappings.
Standing Between a Pair of Wings which Issue Forth from the Back of a Monstrous Serpent.
Having Two Heads.
Having Two Necks and Whose Tail Terminates in a Human Skull.

In Thick Darkness.
Amid Violent Tempests of Unendurable Cacophony.
His Serpents Make Offerings unto His Image and Live upon Their Own Fire.
His Servants.
Hideous Reptiles of Terrifying Aspect.
Whose Work is Nothing Less than the Annihilation of the Wicked.
Consume the Bodies of the Damned by Flames of Liquid Fire They Emit from Their Mouths.
And the Goddess Quetet Tent which Liveth on the Blood of the Dead.

On Their Blocks.
They Cut into Pieces the Flesh of the Dead.
Singing Hymns of Torture and Mutilation to Their Master.
Accompanied by the Wailings and Anguish of the Damned.
They Wreak Destruction upon the Wicked.
Those Who Hath Not Recited the Formulae.
Nor Made the Sacrifices or Who Know Not the Words of Power.
Ulver & Bal Sagoth
Auszug aus "Nowhere/Catastrophe" von Ulver (ok, aus ihrer späteren, nicht-metallischen Phase)

You fly, or rather float, drift
Through an enormous dark room
A room of noises

Endless shimmering glissandi
Crackling pizzicato
Coal black, turbulence holes of bass drones
But otherwise empty
No planets, no meteorites
If anything, perhaps fine dust clouds of exploded music


And your last thought is that you have become a noise
A thin, nameless noise among all the others
Howling in the empty dark room

Und um meinen blutdurchtränkten, mächtigen Pulp-Sword-n-Sorcery Geist zu befriedigen *barbar*

Auszug aus Bal Sagoths "To Dethrone the Witch-Queen of Mytos K'unn (The Legend of the Battle of Blackhelm Vale)"

O' grim gods of battle, empower us this night and always,
Anoint us with the crimson rain, forever feed our steel with slaughter...
Let every blow be a killing blow, grant us eternal victory, 'til we die a warrior's death.
*****tte Frau
359 Beiträge
eye of the beholder
ganz klar der erste impuls , textmässig !

Do you see what I see?
Truth is an offence
You silence for your confidence

Do you hear what I hear?
Doors are slamming shut
Limit your imagination, keep you where they must

Do you feel what I feel?
Bittering distress
Who decides what you express?

Do you take what I take?
Endurance is the word
Moving back instead of forward seems to me absurd

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say

Independence limited
Freedom of choice is made for you my friend
Freedom of speech is words that they will bend
Freedom with their exception

Do you fear what I fear?
Living properly
Truths to you are lies to me

Do you choose what I choose?
More alternatives
Energy derives from both the plus and negative

Do you need what I need?
Boundaries overthrown
Look inside, to each his own

Do you trust what I trust?
Me, myself and I
Penetrate the smoke screen, I see through the selfish lie

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say

Independence limited
Freedom of choice is made for you my friend
Freedom of speech is words that they will bend
Freedom with their exception

Do you know what I know?
Your money and your wealth
You silence just to hear yourself

Do you want what I want?
Desire not a thing
I hunger after independence, lengthen freedom's ring

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say

Independence limited
Freedom of choice is made for you my friend
Freedom of speech is words that they will bend
Freedom no longer frees you

Doesn't matter what you see
Or into it what you read
You can do it your own way
If it's done just how I say
*****gue Paar
310 Beiträge

Tung om hjerted, gammel gaaende
bortkommen vandrer
Hengitt til en stigende sol
som brenner og svir og etser i liv

Her kaster tiden saare skygger
over aerverdiges aske
Ingen spor for ingen har svar
eg krever et offer for minnet

Saa la meg renne som blod
inn i nattens gapende saar

Kalde aandedrag

Et offer er gjort
en evig takknemlig himmel
Naar vinden naar mine vinger

mot et voksende tre
Solen gaar ned i et hav
av gjenfodte svar
*******C_he Mann
347 Beiträge
Agalloch - In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion
DAS Manifest des Pantheismus! Idealerweise hört man noch die Musik dazu. Am besten in der Originalversion, nicht die Liveversion, die man als Deutscher auf Youtube vorgesetzt bekommt. Also besser einen Proxy wie HideMyAss (mit .com hintendran) benutzen und sich dieses Video reinpfeifen:

www. youtube .com /watch?v=_7BAvEdnZdw
(vorher natürlich die Leerzeichen aus dem Link rausschmeißen)

Through vast valleys I wonder
To the highest peaks
On pathways through a wild forgotten landscape
In search of God, in spite of man
'til the lost forsaken endless
This is where I choose to tread

Fall... so shall we fall into the nihil?
The nothingness that we feel in the arms of the pale
In the shadow of the grim companion who walks with us

Here is the landscape
Here is the sun
Here in the balance of the earth
Where is the god?
Has he fallen and abandoned us?

As I'm stalked by the shadow of death's hand
The fire in my heart is forged across the land

Here at the edge of this world
Here I gaze at a pantheon of oak, a citadel of stone
If this grand panorama before me is what you call God
Then God is not dead

I walked down to a river
And sat in reflection of what had to be done
An offering of crimson flowed into the water below
A wound of spirit from which it floated and faded away

Like every hope I've ever had
Like every dream I've ever known
It washed away in a tide of longing
A longing for a better world
From my will, my throat, to the river, and into the sea...
...wash away...
...fade away...

Here is the landscape
Here is the sun
Here at the edge of the earth
Where is the god?
Has he fallen to ruin?

As I'm stalked by the shadow of death's hand
My heathen pride is scarred across the land
den spirituellen Ansatz, wozu die Lyrics ja natürlich zählen, bei Agalloch finde ich schon sehr toll. Leider hat mir deren Musik noch nie was gegeben. Ich finde die irgendwie langweilig, wobei cih das aktuelle Album auch noch nicht gehört habe...
Generell stehe ich halt schon auf Pagan BM & Co. (allen voran "Bergtatt" von Ulver und das erste Album von Borknagar), aber die Jungs zünden bei mir einfach nicht...

Trotzdem - der Text ist wunderbar!
Pink Floyd - Echoes
Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air
And deep beneath the rolling waves
In labyrinths of coral caves
The echo of a distant tide
Comes willowing across the sand
And everything is green and submarine.

And no-one called us to the land
And no-one knows the wheres or whys
But something stirs and something tries
And starts to climb towards the light

Strangers passing in the street
By chance two separate glances meet
And I am you and what I see is me
And do I take you by the hand
And lead you through the land
And help me understand the best I can

And no-one calls us to move on
And no-one forces down our eyes
And no-one speaks and no-one tries
And no-one flies around the sun

Cloudless everyday you fall upon my waking eyes
inviting and inciting me to rise
And through the window in the wall
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning

And no-one sings me lullabies
And no-one makes me close my eyes
And so I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky
**********henkt Frau
7.394 Beiträge
Gehört für mich zu den schönsten Lyrics, welche ich kenne:


Komm in meinem Rosengarten, lass uns nicht länger warten, Tag für Tag und Nacht für Nacht, hab ich die Sehnsucht still genährt! Nun sollst du meinen Hunger stilln, weine nicht wenn Du fällst, leg dich hin, lass dich nehmen, lass den wilden Honig fliessen! Der Duft der Rosen wird dich verführn, die Schönheit blenden, dich betörn. Nun ist deine Scheu gebrochen, komm in mein dornig Reich! Beiss hinein bevor ich sterbe, blutig liegts in deinen Händen, nichts ahnend isst du es still, mein glühend zuckendes Herz! Mit leeren Händen sind wir geboren, mit leeren Händen werden wir gehn, ich trag das Glück in meinem Herzen, und halt es Dir zur Nahrung hin! Feuer löscht die Schmerzen aus, lässt die Qualen schwinden, mein Laib schmiegt sich an deinem, eng umschlugen das Gebein! Der Sieg des Lichtes, des Lebens Heil, rück dem Himmel ein Stück näher, Arm in Arm das Glück erfassen, in unsrem Tod das Leben sehn!

(Die Schinder)
Dornenreich und Solstafir
Dornenreich - Drang

Drang zu sein
Furcht zu werden


Leben ist und Sein ist Ziel
Auf tausend Wegen kehr' ich heim

Ziemlich kurz, aber sagt einfach so viel aus...

Solstafir - Necrolouge

Have you ever felt the pain
Have you ever felt the shame
Have you ever had the fear
Did it hurt like hell for years

Have you ever been afraid
Have you ever gone astray
Is it ever hard to say
That it hurts in every way
Have you ever felt alone
Felt like you never had a home
Did you never see a way
That somehow would have let you stay

Have you ever felt the pain
Have you ever had the fear
Did it hurt like hell for years
Dripping down like rain your tears
Have you ever been on the edge
Have you ever fallen down
Have you ever lost your ground
Have you ever tried the pain

Is it worth the pain to keep on fighting
Is it worth the pain to keep on fighting for this

Maybe this is not the end my friend
Maybe I will see you again
*****gue Paar
310 Beiträge
Eye on the TV
'Cause tragedy thrills me
Whatever flavour
It happens to be like
Killed by the husband
Drowned by the ocean
Shot by his own son
She used the poison in his tea
And kissed him goodbye
That's my kinda story
It's no fun 'til someone dies

Don't look at me like
I am a monster
Frown out your one face
But with the other
Stare like a junkie
Into the tv
Stare like a zombie
While the mother
Holds her child
Watches him die
Hands to the sky crying
Why, oh why?
'Cause i need to watch things die
From a distance

Vicariously i, live while the whole world dies
You all need it too, don't lie

Why can't we just admit it?
Why can't we just admit it?

We won't give pause until the blood is flowing
Neither the brave nor bold
The writers of stories sold
We won't give pause until the blood is flowing

I need to watch things die
From a good safe distance

Vicariously i, live while the whole world dies
You all feel the same so
Why can't we just admit it?

Blood like rain come down
Drawn on grave and ground

Part vampire
Part warrior
Carnivore and voyeur
Stare at the transmitter
Sing to the death rattle

La, la, la, la, la, la, la-lie

Incredulous at best your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men
Pull your head on out
Your head believes it give a listen
Shouldn't have to say it all again
The universe is hostile

So impersonal
Devour to survive, so it is
So it's always been

We all feed on tragedy
It's like bood to a vampire

Vicariously i, live while the whole world dies
Much better you than I
*******s82 Mann
78 Beiträge
Weniger tief furchend - aber lustich
Lustich fehlt hier nämlich noch ein bisschen. Deshalb ein Klassiker:

Die Stumme Ursel von Sodom
Ich sah sie in einem Versandhauskatalog
Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick
Ein M„dschen zum kuscheln und lieben
Und nur ganz allein fr mich
Bin der ersten Mann in ihrem Leben
Mein Wunsch geht in Erfllung
Kann es nicht erwarten
Sie endlich auszupakken

Ich nenn sie stumme Ursel
Weil sie nicht reden kann
Doch ihr Schweigen
Bring mein Blut in Wallung
Ihr Schweigen macht mich an

Jeden Tag denk ich an sie
Ich werd es ihr beweisen
Und blas die luft in sie hinein
Um sie wieder zu besteigen
Hab soviel Zeit damit verbracht
Mich selber zu beflecken
Doch die Moral hat mir gesagt
Etwas Neues zu entdekken

Ich nenn sie stumme Ursel
Weil sie nicht reden kann
Doch ihr Schweigen
Bring mein Blut in Wallung
Ihr Schweigen macht mich an


Manchmal hab ich das Verlangen
Nach W„rme und nach Liebe
Die wilden Spiele meine Tr„ume
Die kannst du mir nicht bieten
Warum kannst du denn nicht so sein
Wie all die sch”nen Frauen
Die ich so sehr begehre
Die mir so sehr gefallen

Ich nenn sie stumme Ursel
Weil sie nicht reden kann
Doch ihr Schweigen
Bring mein Blut in Wallung
Ihr Schweigen macht mich an


Ich nenn sie Ursel

Mein Geist war willig
Mein FLeisch war schwach
Doch ich faáte endlich mut
Ich ging dorthin wo ich bezahl
Fr'n Weib aus Fleisch und Blut
Sie peitschte und sie qu„lte mich
Sie nannte mich ein Loser
"Hallo mein Freund hier ist mein Reich
Und mein Name der is Ursel"
Gepeinigt und entt„uscht
Von dieser alten Hure
Ich geh nach haus sie wartet schon
Mein stumme...

Meine Ursel
Meine stumme Ursel
********r_nw Paar
18 Beiträge
Dissection-Where dead angels lie
In the dawn an angel was dancing
surrounded by an aura of light
But in the shadows something was watching
and with patience awaiting the night
Angel whispers: "Mournful night, attractive night,
your dark beauty obsesses me"
An angel bewitched by the shadows
Seduced by the whispering lies

A spell was cast an the sky turned red
The angel's heart froze to ice
The blackness that falls is coming to stay
Under the snow lies angels so cold

Dusk has passed and a cold morning breeze,
is sweeping all over the plain,
On the ground lies an angel with skin so pale,
On her face an image of pain,
Snow is now falling to the frozen ground,
The angel is covered by white,
Frost is spreading across the plain,
to welcome the eternal night.

The dress is white with crystals of ice
and frozen roses so red
Roses of blood from an innocent soul
On the plain lies an angel dead

A spell was cast an the sky turned red
The angel's heart froze to ice
In the gloomy sky black clouds were gathering
The silence was broken by cries
A spell was cast an the sky turned red
The angel's heart froze to ice
In the gloomy sky - The silence where dead angels lie

Touch the snow...Caress the lifeless sculptures

The blackness that falls is coming to stay,
Under the snow lies angels so cold,
Yet with each crystal of frost that is falling,
another story is told,
A spell was cast an the sky turned red,
The angel's heart froze to ice,
In the gloomy sky - The silence where dead angels lie.
***79 Mann
2.617 Beiträge
Murder in the front row
Crowd begins to bang
And there's blood upon the stage
Bang you head against the stage
And metal takes its price
Bonded by blood

Es handelt sich hier "nur" um den Chorus, von welcher Band, bzw welchem Song brauche ich sicher nicht erwähnen *zwinker* . Wer da nicht freidreht, ob so viel vertontem Wahnsinn, ist schon fast ein unsympathisch kontrollierter Mensch.
***79 Mann
2.617 Beiträge
Noch ein schöner Aggro-Bolzen
This is a song in which
I use to describe what I feel
About people like you
No sense for humanity,
No idea about life
This premise has been proved
You used my trust to
Satisfy your brainless lust
Your word isn't worth more
Than a puke in a dust


Misleader, you twisted things
To satisfy
Deceiver, this greedy lust
You can't deny
How could I be so naive
To believe all the lies
You so easily told
I think I've learned my lesson
Too late
The story took time to unfold
Now I see your true face
Behind your mask, a cheat, a fake
Your word isn't worth than
Puke in a dust

Ignorant twisted mind, maybe it
Would help
To think before you speak
From time to time
Pretend to be a friend of mine
But you would see
Your mother if you could
For less than a dime

Intelligence lost, brain deseased,
So you will loose,
Fall to your kness
Guys like you I cannot stand
Maybe I must speak
Another language
Before you understand

Kreator - Betrayer
***79 Mann
2.617 Beiträge
Zur Abwechslung mal etwas ergreifendes, trauriges
I remember the day that you were born
Your eyes looked at my soul
I was so proud, that I kissed the sky
Little then did I know

Why, oh why, must this world force me to kill my child
I can no longer hide, the eternal pain that I feel inside

They said she was autistic, and silent as the night
I said it is alright
My heart is like the universe, that is endlessly
She'll be alright with me

The trees speak to me of sadness
Of world that wasn't meant to be
The creation is in entire madness
We don't know love, so we don't see
But that is another story
And it doesn't set me free
Neither God or humans help me
Am I bound to destiny?

Years have passed without help from anyone
This road I walked alone
I look upon the world, where no one's ever won
Then I blow her brain with my gun

Why, oh why, must this world force me to kill my child
Why, oh why, the only song this world ever sung, goodbye!

She's out of touch, out of reach, not one of us -
She is free, so she has to be punished by all of us
The father kills the son, the father kills her -
Not because of her, but because of you
Because of all of you, who refuse to do even the smallest thing for your next!
The time and clock is ticking for you my child -
Because they won't, they don't care about you!
Soon I will have your blood on my hands.
I'll be thrown in jail -
They will point their fingers at me
They will judge me, as they have, judged you -
As they will be judged, by you, and God!

Count Raven - To Kill a Child

(Dan Fondelius, Sänger und Songwriter der schwedischen Doom-Band singt hier über ein sehr persönliches Schicksal, er ist Vater eines authistischen Mädchens. Das geht einfach nur ans Herz und die Nieren.
***79 Mann
2.617 Beiträge
Und nochmal die unvergleichlichen Knorkator
Ich hasse C-Dur, F-Dur, G-Moll,
und auch von Dis habe ich die Schnauze voll.
Alle Akkorde, die graden und die schrägen;
Akzente, Crescendi und Haltebögen.
Ich hasse halbe und ganze Noten,
und auch die Pausen gehören verboten.
Ritardandi, Phrasierungen,
Synkopen, Triolen, Punktierungen.
Ich hasse Terzen, ich hasse Primen.
Ich hasse Quinten, Oktaven, Septimen.
Ich hasse B’s und Kreuze desgleichen,
nicht zu vergessen; die Auflösungszeichen.

Ich hasse Musik.

Ich hasse Oper und Operette,
Kantaten, Sonaten und Menuette.
Komponisten und Dirigenten,
Profis, Amateure, Musikstudenten.
Ich hasse Hörner, Posaunen, Trompeten
Und auch Fagotte, Oboen und Flöten.
Ich hasse Pauken, Trommeln und Becken;
All das stupide Jekloppe mit Stöcken!
Ich hasse Bratsche und Violine.
Das jag ich alles durch die Hächselmaschine.
Ich hasse Celli und Kontrabässe,
die kriegen alle eins auf die Fresse!

Ich hasse Musik.

Ich hasse Telemann, Haydn, Händel,
Vivaldi und all dat Perückenjesändel!
Ich hasse Dvorak, Verdi, Puccini,
Mendelssohn, Carl Orff und Paganini.
Ich hasse Chopin und Debussy,
Maurice Ravel und Erik Satie.
Ich hasse Wagner, Smetana, Schumann,
Brahms, Sibelius und Chatchaturian.
Ich hasse Beethoven, und man kann sagen
Er selber musste das ja nicht ertragen.
Ich hasse außerdem Bach und Liszt,
und darauf reimt sich Krach und Mist!

Es muss ja nicht immer tiefsinnig oder klischeehaft sein, ne? *zwinker*
**********sBird Mann
421 Beiträge
Count Raven - To Kill a Child

Und nebenbei bemerkt, der beste Song der "Mammon's War".
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