
10-Week Sex Mastery Online Course For Men

10-Week Sex Mastery Online Course For Men

Donnerstag, 4 April 2024 - ab 20:00
Europe/Berlin (Event-Zeitzone)

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41 noch nicht bestätigt

53 mal vorgemerkt

1932 Aufrufe

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I am running online 10-week Sexual Empowerment Group Coaching Course for Men that can help you last longer & become an exceptional lover on a regular basis
This Sex Mastery Online Course is designed for men who want to be inspired in a group setting to overcome barriers around their sexuality and enhance their sex life. The program consists of 5 group meetings every 2 weeks and 5 personal one-on-one check-in calls.

The 5 pillars of this program are:

Pillar 1 – Breath till You Fall in Love
Pillar 2 – Unleash the Power of Your Pelvis
Pillar 3 – Unlock the Range from Fantasy to Stillness in Your Mind
Pillar 4 – Implode into Your New Self
Pillar 5 – Deepen Your Experience

If you are interested, please register, and I will send you a message with a link to my calendar, where we can have a conversation about the course details, exact timing, and cost. THE CONSULTATION CALL IS FREE OF CHARGE.

Together, we can explore and expand what is erotically possible for us as men!

To see video testimonials of men who took this course, click on the links below 👇

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For men who are open to explore new techniques and see how they can gain more out of their sex life


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