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Queens of Dreams

10005 Stockholm, Schweden

Queens of Dreams

Stockholm, Schweden


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Queens of Dreams is a Femdom BDSM club with exclusive membership that creates opportunity for like-minded people to socialize and connect.

The purpose of Queens of Dreams is to create opportunities to get in contact and get to know other like-minded femdom couples during smaller and more intimate events. Whatever type of event there are always a total power exchange where women are completely superior to men. Queens of Dreams wants to attract the right members rather than a large number. We allow the number of members to grow selectively with a good distribution among couples, Dominas and men. Geographically, most of our events will take place in Stockholm and Östergötland, Sweden.

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Platz für40 Personen
Spielwiese für30 Personen
Bar & CocktailsBDSM-BereichKuscheleckePärchenbereich
Queens of Dreams
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10005 Stockholm, Schweden

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Öffnungszeiten Queens of Dreams

We arrange at least 4 events per year. Each event have different time and places to meet. The price is based on cost and type of each event and therefore also different.

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Queens of Dreams

Stockholm, Schweden
noch nicht geprüft
319 Besucher