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Lara AKA Divine Theratrix

London, Vereinigtes Königreich

Lara AKA Divine Theratrix

London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Coaching & Workshops


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Learn, Heal, Talk

Hi I'm Lara, AKA Divine Theratrix.

I'm a multi-modality practitioner with a focus on consciously applied kink as a vehicle for self-discovery, transformation, and fun.

I provide kink-friendly counselling, integrative healing that might involve touch and/or kink, and a variety of learning opportunities including workshops on Introduction to Kink (open to all), House of Want (sexual domination for femme and non-binary folks), and Animal Play (a playshop for folks who want to get out of their head and into the wisdom of their instinctual body).

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London, Vereinigtes Königreich

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Lara AKA Divine Theratrix

London, Vereinigtes Königreich
Coaching & Workshops
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Coaching & Workshops
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