
AboutSomnambul is the place to party, love and dance. The changing DJs from all over the world are consistently electronically playful and play everything from techno to electro and trance to house. We are a s*x-positive and queer-friendly techno event, but: anything might happen – everything is possible – and nothing is obligatory.
As a guest at our event, we expect you to join us and treat all people with humanity, respect and empathy. We do not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or any kind of discrimination.
No strict dresscode... be yourself!
But please be creative, be varied… normal street clothes are not really welcome.
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Veranstalter - Verzeichnis
Somnambul BLN
Hast du Fragen an den Betreiber? Dann trete direkt über ClubMail mit ihm in Kontakt.
10709 Berlin