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Ampallang Piercing - English thread

*********clist Mann
5 Beiträge
Ampallang Piercing - English thread
What male intimate piercing do people most enjoy?

I'm considering getting my ampallang done again!
Is it popular?
*********ticus Mann
101 Beiträge
The ampallang is definitely worth to get. Especially in combination with an apadravya. It converts your best friend into a magic wand - as my wife always says…
*********clist Mann
5 Beiträge
I've had one done before but I don't have it at the moment
I'm wondering what other people think of the ampallang piercing?
**C Mann
13.060 Beiträge
Zitat von *********clist:
What male intimate piercing do people most enjoy?

...I love my Ampallang. However, I think that most males enjoy the Prince Albert piercing or a
Frenulum for beginners...
**********skink Mann
21 Beiträge
I have both apadravya and ampallang, both are great but I like the apadravya more 🤙
****r68 Mann
37 Beiträge
...i ´ld never give my ampallang back again...
*********clist Mann
5 Beiträge
I have made the booking to get my ampallang repierced!
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