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Honest Feedback

*********er69 Mann
5 Beiträge
Honest Feedback
Hey folks, I would appreciate if you can take a quick look at my profile and give me some feedback on what you like and what can be improved.


*****024 Frau
2 Beiträge
Hi SweetSinner
I find your Profile perfectly OK!
In my opinion, it's important, that you feel comfortable with it yourself. More you are genuin, more you will attract the on(s) you wish for! Wishing you the best and a wicket time on here...
********tall Paar
14 Beiträge
There are specific groups for profile feedback, maybe you want to try there?
*********er69 Mann
5 Beiträge
Zitat von ********tall:
There are specific groups for profile feedback, maybe you want to try there?

Sure will try that, thanks.
*******eeps Paar
219 Beiträge
Zitat von ********tall:
There are specific groups for profile feedback, maybe you want to try there?

Your post is on the right place here. We are very happy if people ask for feedback to their profile😊
Kind regards
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