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A New Kind Of Parties - After Covid

What kind of a site is JoyClub?

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********ster Mann
61 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
A New Kind Of Parties - After Covid
First I want to thank the creators and existing moderators of this group Plus1453 for making me a moderator.

I also want to apologise for my poor German - so I write in English and hope Google Translate works for you *lol*

Let me start by introducing myself then I will explain why I am writing this thread >> I have been a member here on Joy for a long time and as a black guy I know and I have experienced some issues that need to change…as a Swinger many people do not understand what that means - there is a difference between a sex site, a dating site and a swinger site. Can anyone tell us this difference? What kind of a site is JoyClub?

There is a long list of different types of parties here - but how many people can say for sure they have made long lasting contacts from those parties? Maybe that is not why you are a member on Joy then you can ask yourself if you belong as a Swinger or your needs are better served on a sex site for example.

My experience is that many parties are designed as a fuck ‘n go - a kind of fast food a la carte menu and sometimes the quantity of play justifies the time and money spent attending the party. If you are the type that likes your dinner to be special why not your sex and swinging experience? Also for the lovers of foreign skin maybe even black, brown or white why would you not like to have an exotic long lasting experience even beyond the physical contact >> but also the personalities behind the cocks and pussies?

I hope starting with us in this group and then the wider JC community we can begin planning, organising and attending a new kind of *party* that excites us once again especially after this past 18 months of Covid. The party that can make us escape into another world of fun and refreshing for as long as possible - energising us back to the reality we left behind.
A Luxury Weekend Away Swinger Party
********ster Mann
61 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
Update of Survey
Results of Survey
********ster Mann
61 Beiträge
Themenersteller Gruppen-Mod 
Zitat von ********ster:
Update of Survey
Results of Survey

It is now a month since the Survey!
I think we can now all agree that JoyClub is hardly a Dating Site yes ???

Does that mean no one can date here? Oh 😧 no!! But it also means if you come looking for a vanilla kind of date you may get disappointed ☹️

So ladies & gents if you wanna swing and have sex there is no better place to be right? *leck* *pimper*

I also think people on here can have open honest conversations that can even make sex better…. What do you think? Please let you opinions be heard >>>>
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