3-day intensive course for budding BDSM professionals
Pro SM 1
3-day intensive course for budding BDSM professionals
“Domina course"
Working in professional BDSM is versatile and extensive. Besides a good basic understanding of BDSM, you need a whole range of skills to be solid and successful in the industry.
This basic course is aimed at people with little or no previous knowledge who want to work professionally with BDSM. Colleagues from sex work without specific SM knowledge are also welcome.
We teach basic skills for clean and safe work. In doing so, we orient ourselves as closely as possible to professional practice.
The workshop offers a solid introduction – but is not a completed training. After the 3 days, you will be able to make a solid assessment of your profile, you will have gained your first experiences and will be able to carry out simple sessions on your own. You know in which direction you want to train and have a good overview of your possibilities. You are legally informed and know how to proceed with your professional entry.
Basics BDSM
Professional BDSM work areas
Requirements profile
Soft & hard skills
Occupational safety
legal & fiscal basics
Profile & Marketing
Practical BDSM
Communication & session building
Selfcare & Aftercare
In addition to theoretical input, we will gain our first practical experience. We will practise on selected practice subs under supervision.
If you like, you can bring your own toys and working materials as well as a working outfit. Otherwise comfortable clothes are sufficient.
We recommend to have writing pads with you.
* Note:
This course was known as a domina course for a long time. Although there are still many women and femmes working in the professional field, it is our concern to open the professional SM course explicitly for people of all gender identities and passings. On the one hand, we take the increasingly visible diversity of the industry into account, but we also want to set an example. The term “dominatrix workshop” therefore no longer seems appropriate to us.
Covid 3G+
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