
Sex-Ed Cock & Balls

Sex-Ed Cock & Balls

Freitag, 6 September 2024 - ab 19:00

Tempelhofer Damm 145
12099 Berlin

0 Personen angemeldet

0 noch nicht bestätigt

1 mal vorgemerkt

74 Aufrufe

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If you are a fan and a lover of cock and balls, are just curious about all the different ways to play with them or simply need to learn some basics in how to handle them, you might benefit.
Sex-Ed Cock & Balls

If you are a fan and a lover of cock and balls, are just curious about all the different ways to play with them or simply need to learn some basics in how to handle them you might benefit from taking this course.

This course will be focusing on teaching people how to pleasure and play with the cock and balls along with some basic information and of course demonstrations on various toys and techniques.

◦ What awaits the participants

We will be teaching the basics of play with Cock and Balls with the aid of lectures, conversations and of course demonstrations.

◦ Target group

Any person who wants to learn the basics of how to play with cock and balls.

◦ Content sequence

Basics – Anatomy
erogenous zones
sensual/erotic play

◦ What to bring / prepare?

Pen and paper aren’t a requirement but recommended as we will be going over a lot of information in a very short time.

Covid 3G+


Any person who wants to learn the basics of how to play with cock and balls.




Anmeldungen werden einzeln durch den Veranstalter freigeschaltet.
Für alle GästeFür Premium-
Frau:55,00 €55,00 €
Mann:55,00 €55,00 €
Der Anmeldeschluss ist vorbei. Es sind keine weiteren Anmeldungen möglich.

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