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Primal Play: Embody your animalistic desires

Primal Play: Embody your animalistic desires

Donnerstag, 17 Oktober 2024 - ab 19:30
Europe/London (Event-Zeitzone)
JOYclub Rabatt

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308 Aufrufe

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Primal Play: Embody your Instinctual & Animalistic Desires

Have you ever been curious about your most raw desires and urges? Perhaps you like the idea of rough play during sex, or have a desire to regress to an animalistic state where you can devour or be devoured?

In this workshop, BDSM Coach & Kink Educator Sarah Butcher, will be exploring the topic of Primal Play, to give you an insight into what it is, how to explore it, and things to consider when exploring it. This workshop is open to anyone who is curious about this kink, and will give you the opportunity to think about your desires on a deeper level.

This workshop will cover:

What is Primal Play
Predator vs Prey – roles and dynamics
Physical/Psychological Primal Play
Overlaps with Pet Play and CNC
Things to consider when exploring
Aftercare, Communication & Consent
This is an online workshop and will be in seminar style. Please bring a notebook and pen if you’d like to take notes and reflect.

If you have any questions prior to booking, please email me at


the curiously kinky, singles, couples, anyone open minded to learning more




Für alle GästeFür Premium-
Frau:25,00 €20,00 €
Mann:25,00 €20,00 €


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