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Boudoir Bizarre, Friday the 13th

Boudoir Bizarre, Friday the 13th

Freitag, 13 September 2024 - ab 22:00

TT Vasumweg 171
Amsterdam, Nordholland, Niederlande

0 Personen angemeldet

3 mal vorgemerkt

87 Aufrufe

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Boudoir Bizarre XXXIX. FRIDAY the 13th, of September, 2024, Undercurrent, Amsterdam, NL


Lucky Horseshoe a Lone White Feather
Four Leaf Clover and Lucky Heather
Eyes of Newt and Wing of Bat
Do not cross a Cat that is Black

Don't Walk under a Ladder it is said
Or something will happen and Strike you Dead
Devils Witches and Warlocks too
Do you Believe in Superstitions?
I know I do.

In honor of Friday the 13th, beside the regular Fetish Dresscode this event will carrie a Theme dresscode:
Superstitions, Myths and Legends

Date & Time:
FRIDAY 13 September, 2024. 22:00-05:00 hrs

the Undercurrent
TT Vasumweg 171
1033SG Amsterdam

Line up:
DJ. Marcello
DJ. DeSenjal
The Fetish Theater
DJ. D.O.C.
DJ. Pedro
DJ. daDominator

On Stage:
Mrs. Ginger
Marko Punk
Queen of Hearts
The Blood Squad

Party Areas:
Lounge Areas
BDSM Playroom
Smoking room

Party Extras:
Absinthebar, Candygirls,
Creampuffs & Icecreams
Mr.M.'s Sensual Massages
AngelMerchandise Fetish Shop

Rubber, Leather, PVC,
Naughty Burlesque, Fetish TV,
Erotic Gothic, Fantastic Plastic,
Uniform, Wetlook, SM-Playgear
Absolutely no Jeans- Gym- and Casual wear, or just nude.
The Door Bitch have the final word...
No refunds if you F#$%-up the Dresscode
Dressingroom available

Special Theme Dresscode:
Superstitions, Myths and Legends



For Latex Lovers, Fetishists, BDSM-PLayers,
Doms, Subs, Switches, He, Ho, Bi, TV, en TS.
Kink, Swing, Party, Dance, Play, Socialize,
Make new friends... And Spank em…!


Fetish Dress, (see website:

This edition only theme Dresscode:
Superstitions, Myths and Legends


Ohne AnmeldungMit Anmeldung
im JOYclub
Für Premium-
Frau:40,00 €40,00 €40,00 €
Paar:80,00 €80,00 €80,00 €


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