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Understanding Vulvas & Vaginas

Understanding Vulvas & Vaginas

Donnerstag, 16 Mai 2024 - ab 19:00
Europe/London (Event-Zeitzone)

100 Personen angemeldet

10 mal vorgemerkt

649 Aufrufe

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Exploring the Vulva and Vagina: Understanding Sexual Anatomy and Response

Please join this very special livestream with me, April Maria (AKA Venus Libido), as I will be delving into the fascinating world of sexual anatomy and response for those with vulvas and vaginas. This comprehensive session aims to empower you with knowledge about your body, debunk common myths, and embrace the beauty and uniqueness of different vulvas. By the end of this livestream, you'll have a deeper understanding of the anatomy, the mechanics of sexual arousal, and what happens during orgasm.

What You'll Learn:
Anatomy of the Vulva and Vagina
The Clitoris: The Epicenter of Pleasure
Understanding Orgasm
Myth-Busting and Normalizing Vulvas
Is My Vulva Normal?

Throughout the live stream, we'll be taking your questions! This is your chance to ask anything related to sexual anatomy, response, or any other topics we've covered.

As we wrap up, I will offer resources for further reading and exploration for all levels of knowledge and provide tips for exploring your own sexual health and pleasure. We aim to leave you feeling informed, empowered, and confident in your body and its capabilities.


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***_S Frau
5 Beiträge
Zitat von **********hRose:
Wird es eine Aufzeichnung geben?
Ich weis nicht, ob ich es pünktlich schaffen werde
Yes, there will be a recording, which will be published later in our magazine section *herz4*
**********hRose Frau
1.771 Beiträge
Wird es eine Aufzeichnung geben?
Ich weis nicht, ob ich es pünktlich schaffen werde
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6 Beiträge
Understanding Vulvas & Vaginas - Vereinigtes Königreich (16.05.2024)
Exploring the Vulva and Vagina: Understanding Sexual Anatomy and Response

Please join this very special livestream with me, April Maria (AKA Venus Libido), as I will be delving into the fascinating world of sexual anatomy and response for those with vulvas and vaginas. This comprehensive session aims to empower you with knowledge about your body, debunk common myths, and embrace the beauty and uniqueness of different vulvas. By the end of this livestream, you'll have a deeper understanding of the anatomy, the mechanics of sexual arousal, and what happens during orgasm.

What You'll Learn:
Anatomy of the Vulva and Vagina
The Clitoris: The Epicenter of Pleasure
Understanding Orgasm
Myth-Busting and Normalizing Vulvas
Is My Vulva Normal?

Throughout the live stream, we'll be taking your questions! This is your chance to ask anything related to sexual anatomy, response, or any other topics we've covered.

As we wrap up, I will offer resources for further reading and exploration for all levels of knowledge and provide tips for exploring your own sexual health and pleasure. We aim to leave you feeling informed, empowered, and confident in your body and its capabilities.

Understanding Vulvas & Vaginas

Vereinigtes Königreich

Understanding Vulvas & Vaginas

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Understanding Vulvas & Vaginas
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Kat_S 21. Mai
It was very informative—and now I know where the Bartholin's glands are. 😉 Thank you!
I watched it together with my partner and we enjoyed tuning in appreciating all the material April has prepared. The female vulva is incredibly fascinating and there is so much to it to be explored! Hope this series to be continued on more sensual and anatomical topics. Well done!
SpaniardCuck 17. Mai
Very interesting and useful. Thanks
mariannegerd 17. Mai
Sehr Schön gemacht
Chico1964 17. Mai
It was an informative lecture about the anatomical structure of the vagina.
Unfortunately, the labels on the pictures were difficult to read.
Since the lecture was held at JoyClub, I would have liked to have heard a little more about the type, areas and function of stimulation.