
Kitkat Club - Seven Sins

Kitkat Club - Seven Sins

Donnerstag, 25. April 2024 - ab 22:00

Brückenstraße 1
10179 Berlin

6 Personen angemeldet

8 mal vorgemerkt

284 Aufrufe

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Step into the world of Seven Sins, where the vibes are electric and the nights are unforgettable. Born in 2019 as a passion project among friends in a cozy apartment, Seven Sins took a hiatus during the tumultuous times of COVID. But in 2021, on July 24th, the birthday of our fearless leader Sil Romero, the party roared back to life in a new venue, starting at a club and now finding its home at the renowned KitKat Club every month.

Seven Sins isn’t just a party – it’s a movement. A sex-positive celebration where consent and respect reign supreme. Our mission? To create an inclusive space where everyone can explore and express their desires freely.

Join us and experience a lineup that never disappoints, featuring top-tier talent from around the globe. Don’t miss out on the hottest ticket in town.

Andy Kolwes
David Delgado

See you at Seven Sins!

We are the official party of KITKAT CLUB on that night. The entrance is from the Left Side.

Weitere Termine:


Dress to impress. No street wear allowed!


Ohne AnmeldungMit Anmeldung
im JOYclub
Für Premium-
Frau:25,00 €25,00 €25,00 €
Mann:25,00 €25,00 €25,00 €
Paar:50,00 €45,00 €45,00 €
Der Anmeldeschluss ist vorbei. Es sind keine weiteren Anmeldungen möglich.
Gästeliste (6)

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