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Sunday Sinners: April

Sunday Sinners: April

Sonntag, 28. April 2024 - ab 15:00
One Night Parties

London, England, Vereinigtes Königreich

JOYclub Rabatt

Eine Person angemeldet

0 mal vorgemerkt

48 Aufrufe

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One Night is a Woman and Non-Binary only party, to meet like-minded people and explore away from the cis-het male gaze.

This event is a play party, so it is integral that you are familiar with our rules., failure to adhere to our rules will result in ejection from our event.

We are back in our favourite Waterloo venue (exact address announced on the day of the event) those of you that have been before will know what an (exact address announced on the day of the event) those of you that have been before will know what that the venue boasts 360 screens which we fill with various filth including live feeds (not-recorded) of your own play as the venue has some very fancy cameras.

Doors open for workshop guests : 2.45pm

Workshop: 3 pm - 4 pm

Doors open for non workshop guests: 4.15 pm

Doors close: 9 pm

Event finishes: 11.30 pm

Dresscode for event: Animal Print and/or Black

Location: we release the full location on the day of the event, but for planning purposes we can let you know that the closest station to the venue is Waterloo.


This venue is all ground floor, there are no stairs. We offer early entry, free tickets for ticket holders' caregivers, and photos of the venue prior to the party. We are also happy to speak on the phone or meet in person to discuss your specific needs


women and NB people




Für alle GästeFür Premium-
Frau:65,00 £55,00 £
Der Anmeldeschluss ist vorbei. Es sind keine weiteren Anmeldungen möglich.
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