Conscious Shibari

Beginners - Shibari Basics

Beginners - Shibari Basics

Dienstag, 14 Mai 2024 - ab 18:30

8049 Zürich, Schweiz

JOYclub Rabatt

0 Personen angemeldet

9 mal vorgemerkt

159 Aufrufe

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Theme: "Beginners - Shibari Basics"

The workshop includes:

•Easy Shibari binding techniques
•Emotional and physical safety
•Small sessions with each other, including role reversal
•Embodied partner exercises

Shibari is the ancient Japanese art of bondage. This workshop is specifically for beginners or people who would like to refresh their basics. In this Beginners Shibari course, you will learn the basic techniques of Japanese rope tying, including fundamental knots, safety precautions, and communication skills between top and bottom. The focus of the course is on consent, building confidence, and exploring the artistic aspects of the practice.

Participants are guided through a safe and loving space to explore their connection with their partners.

You will have room to practice your newly learned skills, experiment, and hold small sessions for each other in a guided container. It will be with clothes on and without involving sexuality.

If you have Shibari ropes, please bring them along. For those who don't, we will provide ropes to borrow or buy.

You can come on your own or already with a partner you would like to share this experience with. No previous experience is required.

Investment: 127CHF (early bird until 2 weeks before)
Languages: English & German

Registration required.



Für alle GästeFür Premium-
Frau:127,00 CHF110,00 CHF
Mann:127,00 CHF110,00 CHF


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