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Wet Playground Berlin (IG: kitty.guide)

Wet Playground Berlin (IG: kitty.guide)

Dienstag, 30 April 2024 - ab 22:00

Alt Tempelhof 17-19, 12099 Berlin

2 Personen angemeldet

10 mal vorgemerkt

169 Aufrufe

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S*x positive party!

Strict Dress Code: Kinky Fetish Attire.

Open to All: Everyone is invited! Regardless of your gender or orientation, this is a space for all who share our respect for s*xual positivity.

Average age of visitors 28 years old

Grand-Scale Event: Expect over 200 people celebrating together!

Shows and Artists: Prepare for exciting performances that will lift your spirits and broaden your entertainment horizons.

Play Areas: There are 2 floors to play and explore yourself. S*x swing, cages, common areas, and much more! In the venue insomnia-berlin(.)de our party promises amazing experience.

Unexpected Surprises: It's not just a party; it's an adventure into a world of pleasure and self-discovery. Minimum of 8+ international shows, performances and sensual practices included! Be ready for surprises and fun! !


All genders, ages and orientations are welcomed. Queer friendly.




Für alle GästeFür Premium-
Frau:30,00 €30,00 €
Mann:30,00 €30,00 €
Paar:60,00 €60,00 €
To join our upcoming s*x positive event, please fill out this Google form: https://forms.gle/cYepb2zDdJMKbJkaA

This is a standard process and necessary to attend the event. Once you're approved, I'll send you more info🥰

let me know here once it is done
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