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Lady Liquid Love - London - Sun 17 Nov

Lady Liquid Love - London - Sun 17 Nov

Sonntag, 17 November 2024 - ab 17:00
Pleasure Island Parties

London, England, Vereinigtes Königreich

JOYclub Rabatt

0 Personen angemeldet

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204 Aufrufe

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Liquid Love is a collective journey exploring playfulness and the sensuality of flowing skin to skin contact using warm olive oil....LADY Liquid Love is for women
The concept is simple: we will pour warm, fine, olive oil on to your skin, from where it will spread out over your body and form a lubricious substance, which allows you to float in a sea together with other oily bodies.
Everyone is invited to respect their own rhythm and limits to touch and nudity.
We invite you to move and allow yourself to be moved without intentions or sexual orientation. Releasing our usual desire to take action on erotic sensations and thoughts we invite you to be present with them and to relax into the energetic flow of the bodies around you. This is a place where you can love and be loved in an impersonal and unbound manner and above all a place to super charge your soul.


Who can attend?
This particular type of Liquid Love is for women only. There is an atmosphere of respect and acceptance at all times. We invite you to move into a space of welcoming and appreciating everyone.


Comfy clothes to arrive in


Für alle GästeFür Premium-
Frau:80,00 £70,00 £
Ticket link and info on the website here:


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